What a fantastic expeditionary lesson we had today! So many discussions and voices have been heard. It was so lovely to hear children voicing their opinions and thoughts and linking these to past events. Here children are thinking about a variety of images and what they represent. Children used their knowledge from the starter activity where we thought about inequality through gender, race, employment and wealth. We also thought about the terms equality and equity and what these mean.
We then thought about what equality and equity looks like in MI. We captured small snapshots of our ideas and discussed these in our debrief. Can you guess what we were trying to show?
We then moved onto significant events from history and discussed the importance of photographs. We completed lots of activities working in mini crews and by the end of the session each crew had built their own timeline showing significant events. We will discuss these events in more detail tomorrow. We added our timeline to our anchor chart and will refer to it throughout our history case study.