Daily Blog – 23/9/20

Hi all,

Star moment of the day:

In phase assembly, I was extremely proud of the children that spoke in assembly this afternoon. They were asked to explain what work hard looks like in Crew Shields and they did this in a loud, clear voice. It was lovely to see their confidence with speaking in front of other children.

Today’s HoWL average is: 2.7

How can we improve this tomorrow?

Tomorrow Crew Shields need to ensure that they are listening to and following instructions to ensure they know what they are doing in their learning.

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Our Be Kind hero today is: Alicia!!

Alicia is a well mannered and polite girl who is always willing to help her peers. She includes her friends and listens to them when they are contributing to class discussions. It has been lovely seeing Alicia develop new friends in Crew Shields which is down to her kindness to others. Well done Alicia.