Come rain or shine, our Crew have had an absolutely incredible day with lots of learning and lots of fun especially in Cojo


Highlights of the day:

Crew Flaherty started our day with a wonderful Cojo session in the hall where the children had to work hard in a team. They were so determined to succeed and supported one another tremendously. It was lovely to see.


Crew Flaherty in computing used the programme scratch and all the children were able to change their sprite and backdrop. Although, it wasn’t just their fantastic computing skills which impressed me, it was their enthusiasm towards learning that stood out the most for me.

In English, I was super impressed with how many children wrote a sentence and included the conjunction when to extend their ideas. Keep up the hard work! I can definitely see an improvement in your writing Crew Flaherty. Keep it up!

In maths, it was lovely to see how many children completed their fluency task and supported each other with their working out. Crew Flaherty, you were amazing mathematicians today.


Today’s HOWL average is an amazing 3.5. The best HOWL average so far this year and shows me how amazing they are at working hard, getting smart and being kind to each other.


HOWL heroes

Work hard

Daisy for her incredible writing in English. I am so proud of her for using my model to support her wonderful idea. Keep it up Daisy.

Getting smart

Lacey-Rose  for showing excellent listening skills especially in Cojo this morning.

Be Kind

Dylan for always using his manners and being kind to everyone, everyday. Such an admirable quality Dylan.


I wonder who will be our HOWL heroes tomorrow.