Good afternoon 😊
We have had another fabulous day in Crew Elmer! 👏
Star moment of the day:
Today I was impressed with how well children worked as ‘mini crews’ in PE during our scavenger hunt! Children communicated well to find the different cones and were great at cheering their crew members on! Great work Crew Elmer!
Also Happy Birthday to Harry! Hope you’ve had a great day celebrating with your crew today! Enjoy your cheesecake! 😛
Today’s HoWL average is: 3.5
Today our Crew average is higher than yesterday which I feel is due to children working hard on being kind to each other today. Well done Crew Elmer!
This week’s HoWL target is: 2.9
How can we improve this tomorrow?
Tomorrow Crew Elmer need to make sure that we are continuing to be kind to each other especially during group work.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Crew Elmer nominated Kacey-Leigh for HoWL Hero for ‘being kind’ all day. Kacey has been kind to her crew members during break and lunch time, held doors for staff and children and used her manners when answering the register. Well done Kacey!