Daily Blog – 14/9/20

Star moment of the day:

Today we have worked super hard at understanding the reproductive parts of a flower in Science. The children had the opportunity to dissect a flower and label the different parts using what they learned in class.

Today’s HoWL average is: 2.7


Children score themselves HoWL points on the end of every school day, they score against Work Hard, Get Smart and Be Kind. Crew Shields has become very honest with scoring themselves at the end of the day and they are starting to explain why they think this.

How can we improve this tomorrow?

Tomorrow Crew Shields need to make sure that everyone is listening to every instruction and then being able to follow it.

Today’s HoWL Hero:

This week we are concentrating on working hard because if you work hard, you get smart!

Our work hard hero today is: Loghan!!

Loghan has been working really hard on ensuring that he is putting his hand up and not calling out. He has also been working on becoming more independent.