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Crew Longley – 02.10.2020

Wow! What a week. We have been super busy this week, learning, creating, relaxing and being kind.

Today’s HoWL average is: 3.0

Our Weekly HoWL average is: 2.9

Our Weekly HoWL target is: 2.8

How can we develop this tomorrow?

Next week, Crew Longley need to make sure they are listening and following all instructions.

Today’s HoWL Hero:

Our Howl Hero today is Sophia! Well Done! I am sure she will be super excited to tell everyone at home.

Learning Legend:

Our Learning Legend is Layton E.

We have been absolutely blown away by this young man since September, but especially the last couple of weeks. His enthusiasm, cheeky grin and sense of humour make everyday special. But the reason I am especially please with is his developing love of learning. He is willing to persevere for longer and is really feeling a sense of pride as he achieves his learning target for the day. I genuinely believe this young man has a very big future in front of him.
Well done Layton!

Handwriting Hero:

Our handwriting hero for this week is …… Lacey P.


Click the link to visit our exciting expedition website to find out more about the lovely expedition learning

Attendance: 97.5%

This meets the target attendance of 97%.