Daily Blog Crew Godley 18.01.2021

Monday ✔

The children were very excited to be back in school today with lots of stories to share about their wonderful time in the snow 🌨⛄️❄️

We have worked hard today to apply our phonics skills in our writing. I was super impressed to see so many children working hard to recall sounds and write them independently.

Todays HoWL heroes were:

Working Hard – Teddy, Noah and Evelynn. I am so proud of how you all, always set a fantastic example to your peers. You always show ‘green standard’ when working on the carpet and demonstrate this effectively in crew.

Getting Smart – SJ. SJ absolutely blew my socks off today whilst writing. He independently wrote three sentences, including finger spaces and beautiful handwriting. He also re-read his work to make sure it made sense and he’d included all the sounds he could hear. Amazing work!

Being Kind – Skyla. Skyla is always so kind to her crew and is always looking to lend a helping hand. She is such a thoughtful and caring little girl.

Being Kind – Grace. Grace was so kind to her crew yesterday. When children were feeling a little upset, Grace was the first one there! She is so kind and considerate, such a credit to our crew.