Potion Making in Crew Pashley🧪⚗️🧙✨

This term we have been writing about and reading Little Red Riding Hood. For our experience morning, in Crew Pashley, we made a witches potion ✨ for the Bad Wolf🐺 from Little Red Riding Hood. We discussed other ways to get rid of the wolf, like scaring him. The potion is used to get rid of the wolf when he eats grandma by turning him into a frog. We included lots of different things in our potions, including beads, pasta, rice and pom poms. We practised measuring out the potion into containers using a fake syringe, cups and the spoons.

Edit and redraft! ✏️

In our writing lesson today, we have focussed on developing our editing and redrafting skills. First, we read the writing to see if it makes sense. Then, we checked it for features such as: capital letters, full stops, spellings, fronted adverbials and conjunctions. We discussed how we use purple pen to edit the errors in our work. Tomorrow, we will continue to write plot point 4 so we can put our editing and redrafting skills into practice.

We saw the big, bad wolf!

We went on a walk today to visit Granny and take her a basket of fruit and just like Little Red Riding Hood we met the big, bad wolf hiding in the trees! Afterwards we talked about what we saw and heard in the woods and how we felt when we saw such a ferocious wolf. We can now use all these ideas in our writing tomorrow!

How to be a Roman soldier – Plot point 3 ✏️

This morning we started writing plot point 3. First, we discussed what we was going to be writing about and picked out the important information from our text. We then chotted our ideas about the strict Roman disciplines and wrote a shared write together. We focussed on including fronted adverbials and coordinating conjunctions and came up with some fantastic examples of these. The writing Crew Thompson produced today was fantastic!

Little Red Riding Hood – What did she see?👀👩‍🦰🐺🌳☀️

During todays writing lesson the children were thinking about how Little Red Riding Hood traveled to see her Grandma and what she might have seen during her journey. They used their phonics skills to write the words and used small world figures and blocks to create the cottages. There was lots of great vocabulary during this activity which enabled the children to create brilliant sentences! What a great lesson we’ve had today ✍️