KS1: This week in the phase.

Good evening everyone, here are some highlights of what we have been learning across Key Stage One this week. We have achieved so much in our final week of the half term, our brains are definitely ready for the break!

Year 1:

Reading and writing have been a massive focus for us since returning after lockdown and we are proud to say our skills are improving every single day! Read Write Inc is really paying off as we have had so many children having a try at writing independently using their phonics knowledge to sound out the words, well done Crew One!

Our box model village is finally complete! We set it all up in the hall and recreated our journey to Coffee Corner – watch this space for the expedition video!

We have also had Halloween on our minds all week! Every crew session eventually came back to what our costumes were going to be, and the children did not disappoint, we had some spectacularly spooky children in class today!

Year 2:

Year 2 have been investigating fact families in maths, using number cards to explore number bonds and working hard at addition and subtraction.

Crew Two have also been finishing their Keith Haring inspired clay tiles, carefully selecting colours that match their designs and using different sized paintbrushes to fill in the details on their tiles, they look amazing and we cannot wait to display them around school!

We have loved our Key Stage 1 expedition this half term, the teachers are so impressed at how quickly the children have got back into the learning routine and are striving for green standard.

We cannot wait for them to see what we have got planned for when they return to school!

Have a lovely half term everyone,

KS1 Team.

This Week In KS1

Year One:

We have worked really hard on our trees this week to put into our model village. We completed the structure of these last week but we knew we needed to make them stronger. First we had to paper mache them, then paint them and then make leaves to attach to the branches. Our teachers were really proud of the way we pulled together as a crew to do this.



We had lots of fun in science this week. We were learning all about our sense of smell. We tried to answer the question: Is our sense of smell better when we cannot see?
Our teachers made us smell some super smells like fabric softener and lavender, and some weird whiffs like eggs and coffee!

Year 2:


Crew Thiede have had a great time den building in their Kixx lesson this week. They collaborated so well, and the dens they built were super strong!

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