Another busy day in Crew Shields as we further consolidated our Maths using a concrete resources. The children used the resources to help them share larger amount into equal groups. This is quite a tricky concept but the children have preserved and give it 100%. We’ve had a fantastic week getting settled back into our normal routines now we’re all back together. The children have really enjoyed our expedition and exploring teeth as we start our journey into the digestive system.
Crew Shields Average : 2.9
Targets for this week : 3.2
How can we improve?
To further improve, Crew Shields need to ensure that they have a consistently positive attitude to learning to allow them to be successful in all learning.
Crew Shields Be Kind Howl Hero – Chloe
Chloe is always polite and helpful towards her peers and the adults in our bubble. She is always willing to give a helping hand when she can to ensure other children are successful. This makes Chloe a fantastic role model to her peers. Well Done Chloe.