Star moment of the day:
Today we have worked super hard becoming computer scientists. We have also started modelling how we can ‘Work Hard’ each day.
Today’s HoWL average is: 2.8
Our weekly target HoWL is: 2.7
Children score themselves HoWL points on the end of every school day, they score against Work Hard, Get Smart and Be Kind. Crew Longley has become very honest with scoring themselves at the end of the day and can justify why they think this.
How can we improve this tomorrow?
Tomorrow Crew Longley need to make sure that everyone is actively listening to instructions and each other.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Today’s HoWL Hero is Layton Emery. He has worked hard to show kindness across all the lessons and break time. I have really enjoyed seeing him smile and helping his friends. Well done Layton !