Crew Longley – Weekly Review

What a busy week. This week we have had smiles and tears across the week, as we learnt. experienced. innovated and waved good bye to new friends.

In Maths this week, we have continued learning about fractions. We tried our hand at comparing and ordering. Even though it is such a tricky concept, we have been blown away by the children’s perseverance.

Writing, has seen us continue creating non-fiction reports on the different parts of the digestive system . This will eventually be displayed our expedition finished product.

Expedition saw us designing, making and tasting our healthy packed lunches, as part our expedition – Why is the body a miraculous machine? The children thought about the healthy eating wheel, created their own, discussed and refined as a crew and then refined further to create one whole crew packed lunch. Thursday saw us create and taste this, before presenting to the judging panel. We were absolutely delighted with the way all the children shared the process and the bravery for each of our crew mates to talk in front of the phase.

Sadly, this week also saw us wave goodbye to our three fabulous trainee teachers. We have loved having them join our crew and we are sure they will go on to become fabulous teachers in the year to come.