Crew Fox blog 30.4.21

This weeks been a busy one!

During maths, we’ve started learning about algebra and how to answer questions using substitution.

Check out this weeks sentence stackers from The Write Stuff sessions:

Sandra felt like she had been sitting in the pod for days. But the truth was, it was minutes.

She had been an astronaut for days however, she was not prepared for this moment. Hoping for a miracle, Sandra tried to keep herself calm as she began to press buttons. She was sweating a cold sweat. Sandra laid back on her chair hoping that God was on her side. 

With the odds against her, her prayer to God was disrupted by the vibration of the plummeting space ship. Unfortunately, the shuttle was getting too unstable and Sandra couldn’t control it. In that moment, she reached for the mic and recorded a message, ready to send back to Earth. She spotted her golden Buddah, and glared at it like it was her protective guardian angel. Sandra could feel the shuttle edging closer and closer to Earth. As vigorous as an earthquake, the pod shook from side to side and dislocated from the rest of the shuttle, causing her to feel dizzy. 

What a better way to end our week that with some science! In case study 3 of our expedition, we’ve used our scientific skills to investigate whether surface area effects air resistance. Crew Fox created parachutes with a range of surface areas to compare the time taken for the parachute to fall to the ground. We will collate our findings next week to check against our hypothesis.

Have a lovely extended weekend! Non-uniform on Wednesday for beating our HOWL average from last week!