Today in forest school Crew Welburn loved making dragons out of toilet rolls, tissue paper, pom poms and googly eyes
Crew Godley had an amazing time at Scotty’s . They did den building and then played hide and seek. This is definitely a life skill they need.
XP Outdoors
The children really enjoyed making stickmen in the forest area using natural resources and then they work as a crew to make a gaint circle.
Crew F2’s ‘Be Kind’ challenge
Last week, Crew F2 worked hard to show that they were a kind crew. We talked about how in Autumn, the leaves fall off the trees and stay on the ground. We decided that we would get our brushes out and clean up some of our outdoor area to make sure that we could see all of our equipment when playing, and to get rid of the rubbish from outside that had blown in off the street. We did a fantastic job sweeping and using the wheelbarrows to collect the leaves!
Xp outdoors
Crew Welburn loved getting out in the forest and getting muddy. They found lots of interesting bugs. We even found slug eggs.
Thrive/Team building
Crew Hamill worked really well today. They supported each other when working together to complete the challenge. They did the amazing shrinking blanket, bucket challenge, getting the ball from one end of the hall to the other using their crew mates but without no hands! Then we used our skills to remember what action the person infront did and then passed it down the line to the last person.. But we didnt alway manage this and this is something we need to work on.
Crew Welburn got to go to xp outdoors again this week and because we are now in October we decided to decorate a pumpkin using the natural resources from the forest area.
So today in xp outdoors Crew Hamill made stickmen . They had to use the natural resources from our forest area
XP Outdoors
Today in forest school the children made their own cardboard flower pots. We used our fine motor skills.
XP Outdoors
Crew Hamil got to go in the forest area today where we climb tree, played 1,2,3 where are you? , fishy fishy, pac man, sardines and abit of litter picking