Caring crew🥰

This morning we circled up and checked in with ’what are you grateful for?’ Which linked nicely to the crew activity. The children/parents were given a scavenger hunt checklist, IPAD, boundaries of outside and a 10 minute timer with a meeting space after the time was up.

The hunt was all around building character growth and a way of teaching gratitude – being thankful, showing appreciation and returning kindness. Having a spirit of gratitude is something that takes practice. The more we stop and reflect on everything we have to be thankful for, the easier it becomes to focus on the positives because it is easy to moan as we all like a good moan! 

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”

We can always find something to be thankful for…”

Thank you to all parents that have come and engaged this week, you’ve been amazing and made the children beam ! 🤩