UKS2 TWITP – 19-21.04.21

❗❗❗Attention Attention🔔🔔🔔 Tomorrow 1-3pm, New Street, Carcroft

Two members of Crew Mcloughlin are going above and beyond at being kind outside of school by having a charity fundraiser with real fruit ice pops, yoghurt pops, drinks and maybe even some cute teddies! 🧸

Even if you don’t want to buy anything, donations are greatly welcomed. We are raising money for MacMillan cancer as Jessica’s neighbour has sadly recently passed away. Also, we wanted to give money to Barnardo’s after learning about children’s rights in expedition because children are not as fortunate as us, so we want to help!… and maybe change the world (love their enthusiasm).

Also, cupcakes will be available to buy at school on Monday for 50p. Be quick or they might just all sell out! What are you waiting for? – Jessica and Macey (Crew Mc)

Crew Gerrard Blog (23/4/21)

Fantastic Friday! We have had a day that has been mostly working on maths. We were so in the flow that it would have been a shame to stop. It was trickier than yesterday, but we persevered and continued to make really good progress on decimals – this time on hundredths. We finished off the day by making purple pen improvements in our writing and ensuring we had met our standards. Our HoWL Heroes:

Work Hard: Sapphire for always being on task and challenging her learning! 😁

Get Smart: Evie for continually listening carefully and making sure that she does her best! 😁

Be Kind: Keegan (again!!) for helping those who might struggle make the right choice. I know that you wanted this two days in a row! 😃

Learning Legend: Lucas – Lucas the super star! What a phenomenal attitude you display to your work. You are really taking care of your handwriting, to make sure it is presentable and are trying to hit gold each time. By doing this Lucas, you are not only meeting the Work Hard HoWL, but Get Smart too. I know how much you want this and you have fully deserved this for a number of weeks now – keep it up! 🤩

Our HoWL average for today was 2.9 and our weekly average was 3.0! I wonder if we can ensure our classroom is tidy to show off our high expectations?

Have a great weekend guys! 😆

Crew Wilson Weekly Review: 23.4.2021

We have had a brilliant end to our week in Crew Wilson. The whole crew have really thought about our reflections from the week and have strived to improve their listening and attention skills today, and we have all worked very hard in our lessons. Let’s keep this attitude up for next week and we will see our howl scores shoot up high again!

Howl Heroes:

Work Hard: This goes to Declan for his massively improved attitude towards his learning this week. Declan has tried so hard in all his lessons and has created some fantastic work, keep it up!

Get Smart: This goes to Aleks for his amazing listening skills. Aleks never needs a reminder for making the right choices and has worked so hard in his maths lessons this week, well done!

Be Kind: This goes to Debbie Mae and Luke for their wonderful collaboration in arithmetic today. They communicated well about what the question was asking them and made sure they both had an equal amount of turns with the number line and pens, great work!

Howl Average: 3.6

After a pretty poor week for Howl Scores, I am very proud to say that we have finally got back up to a respectable score of 3.6! Hopefully we will start getting a lot more 4’s across the board next week as we have pledged to work even harder, get even smarter and be even kinder! We can do it Crew Wilson, we just need to stop the chatting and crack on with our learning!

Have a lovely weekend everyone 🙂

Crew Elmer Daily Blog 22.04.21

Thrilling Thursday!🌟

Star moment of the day: ⭐

Today’s ‘star moment’ has to be our ‘Write Stuff’ lesson this morning. After not doing much writing this week in Crew Elmer with a heavy focus being on Experience Days and grammar I was nervous about the children writing today…. However, I didn’t need to worry as the writing that they produced was amazing! They included expanded noun phrases, a range of pronouns and some very imaginative similes! It just showed me how much they had absorbed from the experience days! Amazing work Crew Elmer! Well done! 👍👏📝✏🙌😁

Todays HoWL average is: 2.7

Another slightly lower score than I would have hoped but today we had three absences and also some children unfortunately let themselves down. I am hoping for a better day tomorrow! 🤞

This week’s HoWL target is: 3.0

How can we develop this tomorrow? 

All crew members need to work together to ensure that all crew members are working hard, getting smart and being kind ALL day.

Today’s HoWL Hero: 

Today’s HoWL Hero was Hannah May! Hannah May blew me away with her knowledge during our Road Safety session this afternoon. She could list several different crossings including how to use them safely, recite the Green Cross Code and list the dangers and distractions related to road crossing! She was also voted our Road Safety Expert! If you need to know how to cross the road safely then Hannah May is your lady! Amazing Hannah May! Well done! 🙌🤩👏👍👣🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚗

Crew Thiede 22.4.21

Thrilling Thursday!

We started our day reflecting on our week and all the exciting things that had happened. We spoke about all the animals we saw and used our Fred talk to help us name them!

In the afternoon we thought about our favourite animals. We cast our votes and then used our maths skills to see which one was the class favourite. We started looking at the marks to see which had the ‘most’ and then we used our counting skills to see if we were right.

We have also been busy building an obstical course! It started off as 3 boxes and by the afternoon it was almost as long as the playground! This was a great test of our movement skills! We skipped, jumped and stepped over different heights and had to carefully balance on the wobblier boxes!

Our HOWL hero is Lacey-Mae! Today she counted all the way to 10 using blocks and with the help of a special helper! As one of our littlest learners we were blown away with how smart she is getting!

Crew Wilson Daily Blog: 22.4.2021

Highlight of the day:

We began to copy up our Wizard of Oz narrative writing from the week, taking care to ensure our handwriting was beautiful. Lots of the Crew did a fantastic job and cannot wait to show off their work to their grown ups!

Howl Heroes:

Work Hard: This goes to Dalton today for his brilliant effort to make his handwriting neat and tidy, well done!

Get Smart: This goes to Perrie for listening to instructions first time and completing her work to the best of her ability, keep it up Perrie!

Be Kind: This goes to Toby for helping the teachers tidy up the playground without being asked, well done!

Howl Score: 2.5

A slight improvement from yesterdays score but unfortunately we are still seeing a lot of the same silly behaviours in the classroom. We have reset our Howl expectations ready for tomorrow and we will hopefully be able to get through our full learning day with no reminders for working hard, getting smart and being kind.