Welcome back Crew MI

Such a great first day back in Crew MI 🙂 We started our day with an extended crew discussing our summer breaks. This involved lots of funny stories and we all laughed a lot! We then talked about expectations, linking to HOWLS and discussed handwriting and presentation expectations in lots of detail. We will be building on HOWLS throughout the week thinking about each small step a little more. We then took part in lots of team building activities which again made us laugh but we all showed great communication skills and worked well together.

We then moved into some maths learning, recapping some arithmetic skills before moving onto place value. We thought about the value of the digits in numbers with up to 8 digits, reading and writing them. We worked collaboratively with our partner, giving support where needed. From here we applied what we had just looked at to a variety of games. We enjoyed competing against each other!

After break we started to look into our new expedition. We thought about if the earth is flat or spherical and all took part in a debate voicing our thoughts and opinions on this topic. We also watched clips to give us more information on this area. We then started to think about space and the planets. We recapped any existing knowledge, watched clips to build further knowledge then started to create our own slides on some of the planets. We also started to create our own paper mache models on some of the planets.

Welcome back Crew MI, what a great year we have ahead 🙂

PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays 🙂