The NEW Friday Learning Offer at CPS

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are aware, from this Friday, our school site will only be open to pupils eligible for a critical worker place (until all pupils return later in the term).

If you applied for a critical worker place via the Google Form and HAVE NOT heard from us, this means that you are eligible and your child has a place.

Mrs Lythe or Mr Tucker may have contacted you if you applied for a place but did not meet the criteria for a place to discuss the reason why your application was not successful.

Therefore, if you have applied and have not heard anything, children are to arrive outside the main reception area at 8.30am.

However, when we first sent the letter, there was an error regarding finish time, Friday FINISH TIME WILL BE 1pm and NOT 1.30pm as originally stated. However, if this causes a problem, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and we will do our best to help.

To summarise:

Friday start time for critical worker pupils is: 8.30am

Friday finish time for critical worker pupils is: 1:00pm

We have put together a letter which outlines the rationale behind us limiting our numbers on a Friday and what the learning offer will look like for both critical worker pupils and those working remotely as this will look slightly different to our Monday to Thursday offer.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Laing