Crew Wilson Daily Blog: 21.4.2021

Highlight of the day:

Today we worked very hard in our maths lesson, using number lines to help us answer subtraction questions. It was very tricky to subtract teen numbers but we were resilient and reached our desired standard by the end of the lesson, well done Crew!

Howl Heroes:

Work Hard: This goes to Toby for independently correcting his writing in Write Stuff, ensuring he had capital letters and full stops in his sentences, well done!

Get Smart: This goes to Stevie for going above and beyond with her adjectives in her writing about the Lion from the Wizard of Oz, great work Stevie!

Be Kind: This goes to Eva for keeping the classroom organised and keeping her group on track in maths, well done!

Howl Average: 2.3

Unfortunately we have had quite a fall from grace for our Howls today, as lots of reminders had to be given to the whole crew throughout the day and we have not seen the positive learning behaviours that we have been practicing since September. We spent some time this afternoon reflecting on our attitude towards learning and will hopefully see an improvement for tomorrow.