Crew Wilson Daily Blog: 20.4.2021

Another fantastic day in Crew Wilson!

Highlight of the day:

We have had a very busy day today and have squeezed lots of learning in. Our Crew highlight of the day was making it to the end of our Write Stuff lesson after writing six chunks! Our brains were exhausted by the end of the lesson but we were so proud of how much we achieved. Tomorrow we will work on completing our writing even faster than today, watch this space!

Howl Heroes:

Work Hard: This goes to Stevie today for getting cracked on with her learning and exceeding her own expectations! Stevie missed our first Wizard of Oz writing lesson yesterday but didn’t let that stop her from completing her sentences today, keep it up Stevie!

Get Smart: This goes to Brandon for independently sounding out adjectives for his writing about the Tin Man today. Brandon is still relatively new to our crew but is proving how big his brain is getting by showing off his newly acquired phonics skills, well done Brandon!

Be Kind: This goes to April. April never needs reminders for being kind to both her teachers and her crew, and will always go out of her way to help others and find jobs to do, great stuff April.

Howl Average: 3.1 – a decent score – we still require some improvement from the Crew for listening skills but a better day in terms of attitude to learning, lets keep it up!