Crew Nicholson Snow day home learning

What a surprise waking up to all this snow! I hope you all have lots of fun making a snowman, snow angels and throwing snow balls ⛄️❄️

Here are some activities you can do at home today as we are having a ‘no screen’ day:

❄️ Talk about the weather today and sing the weather song we sing in our morning crew session. What different words can you think of to describe the weather? Send me your ideas!

❄️practice finding your name and practise beginning to write it. Make sure you are using the correct pencil grip – nip, flip and grip! ✍️

❄️sing some counting songs such as 5 little ducks, 5 little monkeys etc can you show the correct number on your fingers? Can you say how many are left when 1 goes away?

❄️Story time 📚 Get cosy and retell your favourite story to your grown up. Who is your favourite character? What is your favourite part and why?

❄️we are exploring the colour Orange in class. Go on a colour hunt and find objects that are orange. How do we mix the colour orange?

❄️collect junk modelling materials such as empty toilet rolls, cereal boxes etc and make a rocket or a spaceship! 🚀🪐💫

Send me photos of your work on dojo, I can’t wait to see them! 🤩