Crew Longley – 16.04.2021

A great end to the week. Today we celebrated Lydia’s Learning Legend award and completed our Wizard of Oz slice. We have seen determination, perseverance, pride, kindness and lots of children working hard to get smart!

Our Howl Average today was 2.9

Our Weekly Howl Target is 3.0

This weeks HoWL average was 2.9

We need 8 more ‘3’s’ to earn our Nelli day! 🐶🐶

Today’s Howl hero was Alkim. He has worked really hard today (and this half term) to improve his writing and to blow the reader away.

Our Learning Legend this week was Lydia B. Lydia was chosen because of her teaching skills. She has been heard and seen teaching a crew mate and helping them to get smarter. She has such a sweet manner and helped them to achieve. Well done !