Crew Godley and Crew Robson – Music 🎶

We have been looking at a song called ‘Grandma Rap’ in our music lessons. We began our learning by finding the beat to the song using body percussion. Then, to help us learn the lyrics, we created actions for different parts of the song. We listened to the performance track of the song and practised using our actions at the right moment.

In the following lesson, we started by recapping the actions we had created before looking in more detail at the lyrics. We were incredibly quick to pick them up and we think that is because we created actions to help us to remember them! We focused hard on keeping in time with the backing track, and with each other – talking about how a crotchet is a ‘walking’ duration.

As a snapshot, to showcase our skills, we practised a song called ‘Hi lo chicka lo’. It teaches us all about how our voices move up and down. We added some hand actions in to match the pitch of our voice and performed these with a partner. We found this quite tricky but we persevered and tried our best regardless! Well done everyone! ✨