KS1 Art Exhibition

Thank you so much to everyone who came to our celebration of learning after school tonight. It was amazing to see the children sharing their beautiful work with their friends and families. They have worked so hard over the past term and loved our ‘Blue Planet’ expedition. We hope you all have a lovely Easter and we look forward to welcoming you back soon. KS1 Crew x

We are artists!

We have been super busy in Crew Thompson with our Easter art. We first started by looking at our artist “Jessa Dupuis”. We looked at a range of her work and discussed what we praised, noticed and wondered. We then did our first draft in our sketchbooks using our cutting skills and layering skills and creating a backwash.

We then practiced cutting out flowers and leaves as when we peer critiqued each others work, we noticed that this was something we needed more practice on.

Complete Collage

Crew Hamill are extremely proud of their final collage piece! We used blue powder paint to sponge paint a background and then developed our cutting skills further from our drafting session. We critiqued our draft pieces and realised that we needed to focus on the size of the pieces we were cutting and we needed to be more accurate with the shape of the flowers we were cutting. We’re very happy with our final spring designs.

Art Slice Drafting!

Before completing our final art slice product, Crew Hamill developed their collage skills further by creating a draft of our final product. We concentrated on our cutting skills, ensuring we were accurately cutting the shapes we needed to create our vase, the leaves and our flowers. We then used the collage skills from our previous lesson to layer our shapes together to create a vase full of beautiful flowers.

Colourful Collage

Crew Hamill continued their art slice by focusing on the skills needed to be able to complete their own collage. We focused on selecting different sections of colour within our magazines and then cut these coloured sections into small squares and rectangles. We then collaged these together and filled out squares. We cannot wait to use this technique on our final product!

Collage skills

Following on from learning about a new artist, we had an opportunity to practice some collaging using paper from old magazines. We discussed the important of cutting different shapes, overlapping and ensuring we filled in the blank spaces.

Poetry in MI

On Friday Crew MI thought about Easter and what it means to Christians and what it means to us personally. We created an anchor chart all about Easter then put our ideas into a whole crew acrostic poem. We then created our own poems to go inside our Easter cards that we have created during our latest art slice 🙂 We are looking forward to taking these home and sharing with our families.

Art in Crew Hamill 🧑🏻‍🎨

Today, Crew Hamill began their next art slice by looking at our new focus artist – Jessa Dupuis. Before we were given any information on our artist, we were shown some of her art work that we critiqued using our critique norms – be kind, be specific and be helpful. We loved looking at her work and found it unique compared to some of the other art work we have studied this year. We loved the use of colour and loved how the images appeared to layer on top of each other. Once we’d finished our critique, we looked through information on Jessa Dupuis to find out more about the inspiration behind her art. We loved that she was inspired by the weird and wonderful! We cannot wait to use her collage technique to begin our own piece of collage work.

Art – New Artist

This week we have started our art slice where we will be learning the skills of collage. To start with we have learned about a new artist Jessa Dupuis who is known for her collage work. In addition, we did a quick recap about Waltraud Nawratil who we studied for our painting art slice.