This term we have been writing about and reading Little Red Riding Hood. For our experience morning, in Crew Pashley, we made a witches potion ✨ for the Bad Wolf🐺 from Little Red Riding Hood. We discussed other ways to get rid of the wolf, like scaring him. The potion is used to get rid of the wolf when he eats grandma by turning him into a frog. We included lots of different things in our potions, including beads, pasta, rice and pom poms. We practised measuring out the potion into containers using a fake syringe, cups and the spoons.
Magic maths in MI
Today we consolidated our place value knowledge in our magic maths session. We also started looking at fractions which we all enjoyed 🙂
Shout out to Crew Mcloughlin Arithmeticians
I am so proud of my arithmetic superstars! Everyone in Crew Mcloughlin has improved on their arithmetic score since our first test in week 3; not just by the odd mark either! You have ALL blown me away but in particular a big shout out to Layton, Ava K, Keaton and Kaitlynn for improving 10 marks plus!!! Keep up the great progress! Exciting times ahead for our Y6 mathematicians!
Division in MI
Today we used cubes to help us with division 🙂 We all worked well with our partner discussing how we could share and group the cubes.
Crew Hamill have worked their magic with their maths over the last few lessons. We began by adding two two-digit numbers and moved on to adding two three-digit numbers, some of which involved exchanging into the 10s and 100s columns!
Crew Hamill have worked their magic with maths over their last few lessons. We began by adding two two-digit numbers together but have now moved on to adding two three-digit numbers and have even begun exchanging across the 10s and 100s columns!
Howl Hero (KS2 AP)
Kyden helped his peers with their learning as well as completing his own learning and extra on top.
Well done Kyden. we are so proud of you 😁
Maths in MI
We are continuing to work on our place value skills in our magic maths sessions. Today we also worked on our own times table grid which we will use as support when looking at column multiplication.
Today, we are learning about the inverse, the relationship between addition and subtraction. we made numbers with playing cards and made fact families sentences.➖➕🟰
Inverse maths in Crew MI
We have been working really hard to understand out fact families and how addition and subtraction are the inverse of each other. We used our special whiteboard to help us to understand the relationship between numbers. Finally we even played a game and created our own fact families.