The children have really enjoyed learning about the life cycles of a butterfly. They have been using their fine motor skills to create their own butterfly life cycle. The children can now recite the stages using actions.

The children have really enjoyed learning about the life cycles of a butterfly. They have been using their fine motor skills to create their own butterfly life cycle. The children can now recite the stages using actions.
As we have been looking at the number 1 in maths, we thought it would be fun to count to 1 and use these skills to create flapjacks!
We had to count out 1 heaped tablespoon of oats, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon of butter. We mixed all the ingredients together and added to a bun case ready for Miss McGlone to put in the oven. We took them home to eat but they smelt delicious!
In maths, we have been looking at the number 1. We know that the number 1 only likes to have 1 of everything. We know if something is 1 because it is by itself. We decided that we wanted to make the number 1 a snack – some of us decided to make 1 cupcake, whilst others decided to make 1 pizza. We also made sure that the table was set properly, with 1 knife, 1 fork, 1 cup and 1 plate. Once we had made a snack for number 1, we showed the number 1 using our fingers!
With it being our first week back after the Christmas holidays, we have been looking at building our crew and having fun with our friends in Crew McGlone. We talked about being kind to one another and how we can do this when we are playing with toys and games in our classroom. We said that you have to talk using kind words, use kind hands, share and take turns. We put these skills into practise by playing with our friends – we played games such as Pop-Up Pirate and Shopping List, as well as building structures using magnetic tiles! It was extremely fun and we were showing really strong HOWLs – especially ‘Be Kind’.
I have been blown away at the progression with their skills and also sportsmanship within their basketball club. The children attend every Friday lunch time and I thoroughly enjoy watching them grow as individuals but also as small teams! Some great skills developing but the encouragement they give each other is such a great personality trait to have! The language they’re using is also impressive, as they know when it’s the other teams throw-in, foul due to ill play and knowledge around dribbling and passing correctly. Super impressive KS1
Crew F2 really enjoyed celebrating Children in Need last week! We had lots of fun throwing the pies at Mr Williamson (we had very good aim!) and completing our Children in Need activities.
Crew McGlone were very excited to explore their new classroom after half term. They have really enjoyed getting to know where our resources are kept and the areas we have in our new room.
Whilst we were enjoying our half term holiday, the season definitely changed and we noticed LOTS more golden, crunchy leaves had fallen off the trees in our outdoor area. We loved playing with our friends in Crew F2 and we worked together to collect them up and create big piles for us to play in. We even found some mini-beasts and insects!
Yesterday in Crew F2, we made oobleck! We mixed cornflower and water to explore the different textures we could feel when we put our hands into the tuff tray. We said that the mixture felt soft, gloopy and slimy. We had lots of fun exploring.
Yesterday in our outdoor provision area, we were really excited to try and build a den! We found lots of pieces of material and used the wooden posts to try and create our very own den, but it kept falling down! After talking to each other, we decided that some rope through the holes in the wooden pegs would be a good idea to peg the pieces of fabric to! Once our den was built, we climbed inside and pretended that we were ‘sleeping under the stars’! Some of us even made a camp fire to keep ourselves warm and to cook our food on. We had lots of fun building our den.
This afternoon in nursery, some children decided to help Mrs Mason make our new batch of playdough! We looked at the ingredients and helped to tip the correct amounts into the bowl before taking it in turns to mix. We then waited patiently for Mrs Mason to take the mixture to the microwave which is when the magic happened! Whilst we waited, we decided to tidy away the mess and wipe the table so we left no trace (Dexter even got the hoover from the home corner out to hoover the table!). When Mrs Mason returned, as if by magic, the mixture was now playdough! We then spent the afternoon playing with it, using our hands and some tools to manipulate it into lots of different creations.